По рекомендации подруги на Вебе, я читаю роман, но в английском переводе (изданном под названием "The Slynx" -- переводчик: Jamey Gambrell).

Anyway, I'm enjoying the book, but I really wish that the English edition -- or the Russian version that I found at lib.ru -- had a glossary explaining all of the неологизмы that appear in the book. (Perhaps future editions will; Anthony Burgess eventually agreed to add a "Nadsat glossary" to Clockwork Orange, by popular demand.)

I mean, I'm curious to know which of these words were "cut from whole cloth" by Tolstaya (i.e., totally invented), and which words were based on real Russian roots.

For example, in chapter Есть, there are mutated humans with elephant-like noses, who are called кохинорцы in the original and "Cockynorks" in the English edition. I did a Google search on "кохинор", and I could only find references to the "Koh-i-noor" diamond. Is there a hidden pun that I'm missing?

So, I'd be interested in seeing what native Russians have to say about Кысь and its language.